Teacher's Notes

Pupils learn better if they can see practical, familiar and relevant applications of topics covered in the classroom. School buildings and their energy systems (heating, lighting, insulation, hot water, etc) provide a readily accessible real-world setting for this.

In most of the activities, this is done through

  • raising pupils' awareness about energy use and waste around school;
  • inviting pupils to suggest ways of making better use of energy;
  • encouraging pupils and teachers to take action that will;

enhance learning;

improve comfort;

reduce energy bills;

decrease adverse impact of school on the environment.

Curriculum relevance
Many of the activities cut across subject boundaries and so can be used as vehicles for delivering Mathematics, Science, Technology, Environmental Studies, Geography and Education for Sustainable Development. The reports that pupils prepare and present can support the teaching of English and utilise various forms of Information Technology.

Management of activities
Before pupils set out to survey the school, make sure other teachers and support staff are aware of what is going on and its purpose. Groups of pupils can be given different parts of the school to investigate. Remind them that they should not go into 'forbidden' areas without specific permission and adult supervision.

Pupils will see the activities as more worthwhile if the school principal responds to the pupils' suggestions and asks them to monitor the effectiveness of those that can be implemented or have already been put into effect.

Further help
Further information on the topics is available from the embedded web-links and through the websites mentioned on the links page.

A list of UK energy education resources and organisations can be accessed through Openings! compiled by the Energy Education Forum and available on-line.

Specific enquiries can be posted to the CREATE website.


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