Pupils learn better if they can apply facts and concepts in practical and/or familiar situations. Learning will be seen as more worthwhile if it links the pupils' understanding and action at local level to dealing with the problems of the wider world.

Three of the activities involve surveys. But these are not ends in themselves. Their educational values will be enhanced if …

  • pupils are encouraged to propose improvements based on their findings;
  • options are prioritised for ease of execution, costs, etc
  • recommendations are submitted to the headteacher;
  • the headteacher and/or governors respond to the pupils' suggestions, detailing..

    which ideas have already been put into effect,
    those recommendations that will be adopted in the near future,
    why some suggestions cannot be adopted at present,
    why others are unlikely to work

  • pupils are invited to assist in the implementation of those suggestions that are adopted;
  • pupils assist in monitoring the success of initiatives and suggesting further improvements.

Curriculum relevance
Energy is not just a technical topic. It is a key but often unrecognised factor that influences most environmental, social and economic issues.

Many of the activities cut across subject boundaries and so can be used as vehicles for delivering Science, Technology, ICT, Geography, Environmental Studies, History and Education for Sustainable Development. Preparing and delivering reports can support the teaching of English, Art and Design.

Management of activities
Before pupils set out on surveys, make sure other teachers and support staff are aware of what is going on and its purpose. Groups of pupils can be given different parts of the school estate to investigate. Remind them that they should not go into "forbidden" areas without specific permission (and, perhaps, adult supervision).

Further help
Further information on the topics is available from the embedded web-links and through the websites mentioned on the "Links" page.

A list of UK energy education resources and organisations can be accessed through Openings! compiled by the Energy Education Forum and available on-line.

Specific enquiries can be posted to the CREATE website.

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Copyright CREATE 2001