Did you know that....
Every year, we produce over 38 million tonnes of waste in the UK.
85% of our waste ends up in landfill sites – only 6% is recycled!
The rest is incinerated.
waste lies in the earth for many years – some of it will decompose and
decay but most of it, particularly the plastics, will not! |
contents of your average dustbin in one year could be used to produce
enough electricity for you to watch TV for 5,000 hours!
How does Energy-from-Waste work?
is collected from our homes and carried to an energy from waste
incineration plant where it is burnt. The steam produced from this
incineration is transformed into hot water and pumped through
underground pipes to heat homes and factories nearby. Alternatively the
steam can be used to power turbines to generate electricity.
waste can also be mashed and compressed into fuel pellets and mixed
with solid fuels in a conventional power station.
heat and power plants at oil refineries use waste heat to generate
electricity for the refinery and provide a surplus to the National
Grid. Small-scale CHP can be used in schools, hospitals, offices and
blocks of flats.
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